Fair Housing & Relocation Assistance

Fair Housing

WDC houses the City’s Fair Housing Officer as well as the Emergency Relocation Assistance Program for the City of Waterbury, per the requirements of Connecticut’s Uniform Relocation Assistance Act (CGS § 8-266).

The Fair Housing Act protects people from discrimination in housing on the basis of race, color, National Origin, religion, sex, familial status, and disability. While the federal Fair Housing law sets these minimum protections, the State of Connecticut and municipalities (such as the City of Waterbury) can add additional protections. Additional protections in Connecticut include: ancestry, marital status, age (except minors), sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, legal source of income (such as refusing to accept Section 8), and veteran status.

The Fair Housing Act (and supplemental State/local protections) apply to almost every type of housing in the Waterbury with very limited exceptions.

The City’s Fair Housing Officer can offer resources and field complaints. Their contact information is:

Michael Gilmore

Re-Investment Manager & Logistics Specialist
Fair Housing Officer
(203) 346-2607 ext. 7278

Additionally, if a Connecticut resident believes that their rights have been violated, they may reach out to the following organizations to file a complaint:

The Following video is an example of a violation of Fair Housing Law:
Waterbury Development Corporation does business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law

Relocation Assistance

The following is excerpted from the Connecticut General Assembly Office of Legislative Research Report #2004-R-0383 http://www.cga.ct.gov/2004/rpt/2004-R-0383.htm


Benefits to Displaced Persons

Per the requirements of Connecticut’s Uniform Relocation Assistance Act (CGS § 8-266), a person is eligible for assistance if his home or business is displaced by land acquisition programs, code enforcement activities, or housing rehabilitation programs. The act requires the displacing agency to provide advisory assistance and financial benefits to the displaced person.

Landlord Responsibilities

The law requires a landlord to repay reasonable expenses that the town, city, or borough where his property is located, or the state, paid to any tenant in any dwelling unit displaced due to code enforcement violations. The town, city, borough, or the state may place a lien on any real property owned by the landlord to secure reimbursement (CGS § 8-268 and 270).

The Process

The City of Waterbury’s relocation assistance program starts with the Health Department. A code enforcement action must take place and need for relocation assistance must be determined by an inspector. The Health Department will issue a notice of displacement to Waterbury Development Corporation for the individuals or families.


Once the Notice of Displacement is issued, the individual/family must place a complete application on file with the Health Department located at:


Environmental Health

185 South Main Street

(One Jefferson Square)

Waterbury, CT 06706

(203) 574-6780


The application must be signed & include all necessary documentation in order to be considered “complete.”


The Health Department will then contact Waterbury Development Corporation who will contact the tenants regarding potential benefits.